
Friday, February 10, 2012

First month of TWELVE.

Just before the new year I made a decision to join a scrapbooking class at Big Picture Classes.  The class was Twelve. and the teacher was my guru, Stacy Julian.

The class was part of the 4Experts series and was a 12 week course that explored 12 different topics in depth and then provides the guidance to create and tell 12 stories a month for the next 12 months for a total of 144 scrapbook pages in 2012.  It was pricey but I knew it would be worth it.  It would give me the opportunity to really focus on the storytelling aspect of my scrapbooking and give the motivation to finally tell the stories I've been meaning to tell.

The 12 topics we focus on are:  Me, Holidays, Places, Everyday Life, Rituals, People, Inspiration, Personality, Things, Family Story, Seasons and finally Fun!

One of the best things about Stacy and this class though is that if you don't complete all 12 in a month that's okay.  For instance, in January I only completed a layout for 4 of the 12.  At the time I just wasn't inspired by any of the other topics.  I did however finish my 2009 California vacation theme album so technically I completed about 25 pages in January.  Guess what, it counts!  It all counts!

Here are the four topic layouts I completed in January.


Everyday Life

