
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Library of Memories

This spring I signed up for a class at Big Picture (BPC)  The class is Library of Memories and it has changed the way I scrapbook.
A couple years ago I heard about a book called Photo Freedom by Stacy Julian (who is also the founder of BPC).  I bought the book and read it in a few days and decided that her Library of Memories system and concept of Photo Freedom were the way for me.  I then decided to take the class this year to really delve into the process.
The whole system just makes sense and it is completely liberating and has given new life to my feelings about scrapbooking as well as to my actual pages and projects.
I no longer am just scrapbooking photos just to “get them done” and I no longer “feel behind”.  Now I scrapbook our family stories and I do it based on inspiration, feelings and emotions.  Don’t get me wrong I have in no way perfected the system and I still do many pages that are just about everyday things that have no “story” or are just “traditions”.  But the important part is that I am scrapbooking and loving it.
Here is a page I did for class about my dad... 

Stacy Julian has become my Scrapbooking Guru and I highly recommend her website to anyone who wants to improve upon how they tell their family stories through scrapbooking.

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