
Monday, April 25, 2011

Day Three-Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend, pt. 1

Today's the Day We Race!


It's a half an hour before our wake up call and I decide to wake up and get myself ready so that I can get Bug-a-boo ready while Prince Charming gets himself ready.  I am extremely tired but pretty pumped at the same time.  Prince Charming wakes up a few minutes before the wake up call and when the phone rings at 3:00am I go over to Bug-a-boo's bed.  She is so sweet.  She starts to stir and says, "Daddy, is it wake up time?"  It is so cute and pathetic.


We board a bus to take us over to EPCOT where the Family Reunion area is and the starting line queues.

It's too dark to see Spaceship Earth in the background

Sleepy little girl.  Excited mommy

We have about a half hour to walk around and check things out.  There are a ton of people and a lot of activity.  There are DJ's and video screens and loud, energetic music and just a general vibe of excitement!!  The level of organization is one that only Disney can achieve.  I am so impressed (as usual) with the way they have everything set up and running seamlessly.

I make one last bathroom break and then the runners are told to start walking to their starting queues.  The walk is a long one (about twenty minutes) but it is an interesting one.  Between the outrageous costumes some of the runners are wearing and the cool stuff backstage it is an exciting walk.

a broken down Jungle Cruise boat backstage

Prince Charming and I text back and forth to keep each other apprised of plans and locations.  I thank goodness we are able to do this.  It will definitely help to keep me motivated.

While Bug-a-boo and Prince Charming head over to board the monorail to go to the Magic Kingdom I finally enter my starting queue.  My queue is to start at 6:09am.  The race emcee's begin their routine and then they bring out the Fairy Godmother to actually start the race.  As each queue starts, fireworks are set off.  It is pretty cool!

Prince Charming and Bug-a-boo at the Magic Kingdom wearing
big "goofy" hats so I'll be able to pick them out of the crowd
My queue starts running!!!

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