
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mother LOAD 14

Today's thought:
Today is Way Back Wednesday. On Wednesday, we're hopping in the time machine and going back, back, back in time! Maybe we'll revisit an old scrapbook trend, or maybe we'll pull up a color combo popular in, say, 1986 (fluorescence, anyone?). By doing this, we can discover a few things:

1. Most of us have some older stuff in our stash we haven't touched in a while.
2. The "old" stuff is old often only because we say it is.
3. Trends come and go in scrapbooking, just as in fashion and music.
4. There should be a number 4 but I'll be gole-darned if I can think of one! (Old age sucks).
Anyway, often we can make something "old" new again quite easily. This will help us stretch our stash, use what we have, and not feel so guilty about investing in fourteen rolls of Mrs. Grossmans' stickers.
Today's prompt:
About six months ago, I was going through a major purge in preparation for (yet another) move. I eyed my binders full of acrylic stamps and was all ready to say goodbye to them. After all, I hadn't stamped for ages!
Crazy. I started as a stamper in the early '90s before I was even a scrapbooker (at least in the modern sense of the word). I went to stamp shows and mounted my own rubber stamps and made my own stationery. It was cool and fun. And then I started scrapbooking and stopped stamping.
I thought the two were mutually exclusive. After all, why would I want to stamp on a scrapbook page? I did it for a while in the early 2000s, but found it too fussy, complicated, and time-intensive. So it was time to let the stamps go in the interest of simplifying.
…until I took a class with Jennifer McGuire. She re-invigorated my love of stamping, reminding me how fun it was and how easy it could be to use stamps on scrapbook pages. It didn't have to be complicated and fussy. It could be simple, elegant, and creative!
So my new scrapbook room has storage for stamps-a lot of storage-because I have a lot of stamps.
I love that.
Today, you're going to stamp on a scrapbook page. Stamp your title, a border, an embellishment - whatever you like. And when you do it, think about the good ole' days.

I never really got into stamping, but I do have a few alphabet sets so I used some of those.

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