
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12 Days Christmas - Day 2

This morning I woke up to an email from today's teacher, May Flaum.  I took May's CampScrap class in June of 2010 and I really love her teaching style and her scrapbooking style.

Today's assignment is all about the Christmas Tree and the traditions around it.   Here are May's instructions:

Photo Prompt: For photos, I suggest taking some action shots of ornaments being placed on the tree, use your camera's self-timer if needed! If you're doing it at night though, I suggest doing a "in front of the tree" family photo the next day instead. The quality will be much better and you can let your story do the talking. If you do choose night photos, turn off the flash! Let those beautiful twinkling lights provide atmosphere and mood to your photos. They won't be as sharp, but they'll have a glowing quality. Just be sure to set your camera down on a hard surface so that your photos are as crisp as possible (less shaking!)What else to photograph? Taking photos of favorite ornaments and sharing their story is another great option, but depending on if you've already scrapbooked this in the past or not, you may prefer skipping that. If you do this, use good natural light and get real up close. Other fun photo ops? Lay down and take a picture looking up at the people decorating the tree, take a photo of the ornaments in their boxes, or take a shot with your back to the Christmas tree. What's going on all around it?

I chose older photos again.  These photos are from Bug-A-Boo's first Christmas and her very first experience with a Christmas Tree.

Gather the following supplies:

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