
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Daisy Meeting 1: Girl Scout Promise and Honest and Fair

Here is an outline I used for this meeting:

Meeting 1: Girl Scout Promise and Honest and Fair

Meeting at a Glance

Goal: Girls get to know one another, learn basic Girl Scout values, and learn how to be
honest and fair.

Toward the Award: Earn the Promise Center and the Honest and Fair petal

o Nametags – use cardstock and yarn. Use the trefoil with the promise on it as a template for the name tags.  Girls can cut them out, color them and put their names on the back.

o Markers, crayons, stickers
o Pen and sign-in/sign-out sheet
o Kaper chart
o Girl Scout Daisy, The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
o Girl Scout Promise visual

Prepare Ahead:
o Make nametags from the pattern and cut the yarn.
o Make a copy of the sign-in/sign-out sheet
o Write out the Girl Scout Promise on a whiteboard or cardstock
o Prepare a Kaper Chart
o Learn several songs or games

Greet and introduce yourself and explain using the sign-in sheet.

Give the girls the Lupe the Lupine Honest and Fair coloring sheet.

Give the girls a nametag to decorate with markers, crayons and stickers.


Gather in a circle and explain that they are now in a Girl Scout Daisy Circle. Explain that
you will form a Daisy Circle to start your meetings so you can welcome new girls and
visitors, greet each other with the Girl Scout handshake, recite the Girl Scout Promise
and Law and sing songs.

Ask girls and adults to introduce themselves by saying their name and one thing about
themselves that they want everyone to know. After each girl introduces herself, direct
the group to respond by saying, “Welcome to Girl Scout Daisies (Name).”

Explain the Girl Scout Promise (GGGS pages 4 – 5) and that you will start every meeting
by saying the Girl Scout Promise. Say the Promise using what you wrote out, pointing to
the words as you read them. Read it again, line by line, and ask the girls to repeat each
line after you.

Ask the girls to share what the Promise means to them.

Congratulate them for earning the Promise Center (GGGS page 8).

Celebrate by teaching and singing, “Make New Friends” (GGGS page 9).

Explain that in the coming weeks they will learn other Girl Scout traditions.

Explain that after the opening at each meeting, you will have your business and planning
time to share ideas, make decisions, and talk as a group.

Introduce the Quiet Sign (GGGS page 13) and practice several times.

Explain the rules for the meeting site and ask if there are other rules your group should
have (i.e., taking turns, being respectful, etc.). Write down the rules the girls agree to

Introduce the Kaper Chart

Introduce today’s line of the Girl Scout Law: “Today we are going to learn more about Girl
Scout Daisies and what it means to be honest and fair. It is time to explore!”


Explain that Girl Scouting was started by a woman named Juliette Gordon Low and show
the picture of her (GGGS page 12). Teach the girls “How Girl Scouts Got Started” action

Teach either the “Girl Scout Daisy Song” or “I’m a Little Daisy.”
Sit at tables and introduce the Girl Scout Law using the Flower Friends (GGGS pages 6 –

Stay at the tables or get in the Girl Scout Daisy Circle to read, “Lupe’s Story” from the
awards section of the Girl’s Guide.

Talk about “Lupe’s Story” using the questions in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting.

Play a game like Musical Chairs, Red Light, Green Light or Duck, Duck, Goose. Talk about
the rules, and then follow them as you play. This shows practical application of the
Honest and Fair law.

NOTE:  We played Musical Chairs and the girls came up with a very honest and fair way to determine elimination if two people were in the same chair...Rock, Paper, Scissors.  I was very impressed.

Get in the Girl Scout Daisy Circle and say the first line of the Law (Lupe’s line).

Congratulate the girls for earning their Lupe, Honest and Fair, petal.

If there is still time you could play a game of Daisy Says:  This game is like “Simon Says” but the caller is “Daisy” instead of “Simon.” Also, in this version no one gets out by making a mistake but continues to play and have fun but learns from their mistakes by trying to follow the rules. This game can teach playing fair and respecting authority.
1. The caller is “Daisy”
2. When the caller says, “Daisy says to touch your toes” everyone touches their toes and
stays in position until the next command.
3. If the caller says, “Jump up and down three times,” but does not say “Daisy says” then
girls should not move. Those that do are caught and stay in the game.
4. Give the caller a few chances to stump the others and then switch callers.


Remind the girls of kapers and work together to leave the site better than you found it.


Form a Daisy Circle and ask, “How can you practice being honest and fair this week?”

Explain that they will receive the Promise Center and Lupe, Honest and Fair, petal badges
at the Investiture Ceremony. In the meantime, they can use the Promise Center and
Lupe, Honest and Fair, petal stickers and awards log in the Girl’s Guide.

Explain that they will join hands for a special Girl Scout closing called the Friendship

Circle and friendship squeeze. Stand in a circle, cross right over left in front, hold hands
with girls on both sides.

Sing, “Goodbye, Daisies.”

(To the tune of “Good-night, Ladies”)

Goodbye, Daisies
Goodbye, Daisies
Goodbye, Daisies
It’s sad to see you go.

When everyone is silent, one girl starts the friendship squeeze by squeezing the hand of
the person to her left. One by one, moving clockwise, each girl passes on the squeeze
until it travels all the way around the circle. (Tip: To ensure the squeeze makes it around
the circle, have each girl point her toe into the circle when she receives the squeeze.)

Have the Out Scout collect nametags and sign-out.

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