
Monday, April 20, 2015

Daisy Meeting 10: Using Resource Wisely, Journey Session 4

This meeting was to find out what we wanted our Journey Take Action project to be.  This would help the girls complete our Journey, "Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden".

Meeting 10: Use Resources Wisely and Take Action Project Brainstorming
Meeting at a Glance

Goal: Girls know how use resources wisely.

Toward the Award: Earn the Resources Wisely petal, Journey Golden Honey Bee award

o Nametags
o Pen and sign-in/sign-out sheet
o Kaper chart
o Girl Scout Daisy, The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
o Use Resources Wisely petals
o Recycled materials for the games
o Poster board or butcher paper for a collage
o Collage materials (greeting cards, magazines, buttons, etc.)
o Scissors, glue, markers, oil, hand soap and water.

Greet, sign-in, and put on nametags.

Write to your future self.

Ask girls how they practices “respect authority” since the last meeting.

Gather and greet each other with the Girl Scout handshake.

Say the Girl Scout Promise.

Sing “Make New Friends,” “Did You Ever See a Daisy,” and/or the “D-A-I-S-Y” song.

Teach the “I’m a Girl Scout” song.

In the Girl Scout Daisy Circle, review rules, assign kapers and share how Girl Scouts sell

“Today we are going to learn about what it means to use resources wisely and work on our journey."

Continue reading the story from the Girls Journey book and talk about it using the questions in the Girl’s Guide.

Being resourceful means finding new ways to use old things. 

After reading the story use the prompts in the Adult Guide to brainstorm a Take Action project to complete our Journey.

We guided the girls in a project that would help to beautify our home meeting school as well as complete the "make the world a better place" petal.  I had contacted the parent volunteer at our home school who is in charge of landscaping and grounds and asked if it would be okay if our Troop got some big planters and planted some flowers in pots that would be displayed at the entrance of the building by some welcoming benches.  The girls really liked the idea and we decided to go with it for our Take Action project.

We also did a fun craft for this meeting.  The craft was a paper bag book that would become an Eco-Journal.  I put the paper bags together and stapled them to make a book for the girls.  All they had to do is glue the elements to the pages.  The book was for the months in between finishing Daisies and beginning Brownies.

1.  Glue "My Eco" to the top of the cover and "Journal" to the bottom.  Draw a picture in the center of the cover.

2.  Glue "This book belongs to:" on the inside cover (page 1).  Draw a picture of yourself and write your name.  Glue the Challenge Chart on page 2.

3.  Glue "April" title along the far left hand side of page 3 and glue the April Challenge information beside it.  Glue the "At Home Science Project", the picture square (with arrow) and the Toilet sticker square on page 4.

4.  Glue "May" title and May Challenge information on page 5.  Glue reusable bag picture placeholder and Shopping Bag sticker square on page 6.

5.  Glue "June" title along the far left hand side of page 7 and glue the bike sticker square beside it.  Place the journal square about bike riding in the pocket of page 7.  Glue the June Challenge Information on page 8.

6.  Glue the bucket sticker square and journal square on how you used water on page 9.  glue "July" title to the far right of page 10 and the July Challenge information beside it.

7.  Glue "August" title and August Challenge information on page 11.  Glue outlet & plus sticker square and list of things you keep unplugged on page 12.

8.  Glue "September" title, list of lunch box accessories and sticker square on page 13.  Glue September Challenge information on page 14.

Remind girls of kapers and work together to leave the site better than you found it

Form a Daisy Circle and ask the girls how we can use resources wisely in our meeting
space. Promise to do so at every meeting.

Explain what will happen at the next meeting.

Form a Friendship Circle, sing, “Goodbye, Daisies,” and do a friendship squeeze.

Hand out the Clover, Use Resources Wisely petal.

Have girls use the Clover, Use Resources Wisely, petal sticker and awards log in their
Girl’s Guide.

Collect nametags and sign-out.

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