
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Daisy Meeting 13: Year End Celebration and Bridging Ceremony

Our final meeting was also our Bridging Ceremony.  This ceremony is held for any Girl Scout moving up to a new grade level in the program.

Meeting 14: Year End Celebration
Meeting at a Glance
Goal: Girls receive their earned awards, celebrate being First-Time Girl Scout Daisies,
and Spring Register for the next membership year.

Toward the Award: Membership Star with blue disc, any other awards the girls earned.
For girls who are bridging to Brownies, Girl Scout Brownie Membership Pin (optional), and
Bridge to Girl Scout Brownie award (if earned).

o Nametags
o Pen and sign-in/sign-out sheet
o Kaper chart
o Girl Scout Daisy, The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
o Crayons, markers, blindfolds
Prepare Ahead:
o Purchase awards and prepare recognition items ahead of time by packaging each
girl’s awards in a bag, on a vest or sash, on a piece of felt or on a ribbon (this will
save time pinning the girls).

Greet, sign-in, and put on nametags.

Welcome girls, families, and guests.

Introduce volunteers

Girls form a semi-circle in front of families and introduce each girl.

Explain why you are having this ceremony.

Girls recite the Girl Scout Law

Each girl tells her favorite part of being a Girl Scout Daisy.

Give each girl their awards, certificate and exchange the Girl Scout handshake.

Form a Daisy Circle and ask the families and guests to join in.

Explain Friendship Circle and Squeeze.

Thank everyone for coming.

Sing “Make New Friends” or a song that the girls have chosen and do a friendship

Collect nametags and sign-out.


Invite the families to have refreshments.  I purchased a variety of Brownie's from Cheryl's Cookies.

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