
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Being BRAVE-the birthday party

Bug-A-Boo's fifth birthday was almost two years ago now but we still talk about how much fun her BRAVE party was.

We invited 12 of Bug-A-Boo's friends over on a beautiful day and had our very own Scottish Highland Games.

I wanted to try to keep some of the whimsy of the movie and incorporate the Will 'o the Wisps so I bough some light blue tulle and fishing wire and went to work.  Using the fishing wire and tulle I made some Will 'o the Wisps kind of like you make ghosts out of tissues at halloween.  I balled up a little head and tied some fishing wire around it and puffed out the bottom.  I wanted our guests to go right to the backyard (instead of going through the house) so I threaded the Wisps on some fishing wire and using some small stakes I made a path leading from the drive way into the back yard.   I also made a sign from foam core and the stakes from an old election sign.  I found a picture online of Merida following the wisps as well as some picture of Wisps and used my Cricut to cut out the letters.

When the guests got to the back yard there were even more Wisps floating in the sky between the trees.  Prince Charming is pretty tall so I had him hang the fishing wire from the trees high enough so that they were above his head.  This was quite a process since we couldn't see the wire.

I wanted our backyard to be like the square of the village in the movie where the Highland Games were held so we put up our 10 x 10 pop up tent and by using plastic table clothes that I cut and stapled together I was able to decorate the tent to resemble the "royal tent".

If we were going to do the Highland Games then we would have to have clans.  There were four clans in the film (MacIntosh, DunBroch, Dingle and MacGuffin) we had 12 kids so it was perfect...3 kids to a clan.  I went to Joann's and found four different kinds of tartans that were similar to those in the film.  I made sashes out of them.  Then I went to Michael's and found "Make your own buttons".  I went online and found the family crests for each clan that were used in the film and made buttons out of them.  These buttons would fasten the sash on each kid.

When each guest arrived they randomly drew a button out of the bag and that told them which clan they were in.  Since it was Bug-a-Boo's birthday she got to select her clan ahead of time (she chose DunBroch, of course).

As the guests arrived they all explored the yard to see the different areas of our "Kingdom".  There was the Royal tent of course and the different sections for our games, CornHole, Archery and Caber Tossing.  The big hit was the Crafter Carver's Cottage or the home of the Scaffy Witch.  We turned Bug-A-Boo's playhouse into the witch's cottage and had a special area set up which was my favorite part of the party.

We set up a little table near the cottage and covered it with burlap.  Next to it I had Prince Charming stand up an old log and we put a cauldron on top of it.  On the table I had a pen and some index cards that I had printed the following message on..."My wish for Sydney's fate is..."  I then had a sign with instructions for the guests.

"Write your wish for Sydney's fate on a card and drop it in the cauldron.  Make sure to write your name on the card too so she knows who it is from. - The Crafty Carver (aka Skaffy Witch)"

The messages that she received were priceless, wonderful and special and I'm so glad I did this.

For more of the BRAVE party please see the links below.  Thanks for your time and please comment below to tell me how you like our party.  Don't forget to follow my blog for more fun party, scrapbooking, home decor and many other project ideas.

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