
Monday, April 20, 2015

Daisy Meeting 6: Friendly and Helpful

This meeting was a special one.  When the girls finish first grade, they are ready to become a Brownie.  Girl Scouts calls this "bridging".  In order to Bridge to Brownies and earn the award you need to complete two bridging steps.

Step 1:  Pass It On
In this step the current Daisies need to share their experiences and excitement for Girl Scouts with younger girls (ie. Kindergarten Daisies) or with prospective Girl Scouts.

We decided to have a "Bring a Friend" meeting to pass on how much fun we have to some other friends that aren't already Girl Scouts.

We thought this would also be a perfect meeting to work on the Friendly and Helpful petal.

Meeting 6: Friendly and Helpful
Meeting at a Glance

Goal: Girls practice Girl Scout traditions, know how to be friendly and helpful.

Toward the Award: Earn the Friendly and Helpful petal.

o Nametags
o Pen and sign-in/sign-out sheet
o Kaper chart
o Girl Scout Daisy, The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
o Girl Scout Promise visual

Prepare Ahead:
o Select a game to play
o Also learn “My Name Is”
o Make a copy of the sign-in/sign-out sheet

Greet, sign-in, and put on nametags.

Sunny coloring sheet

Ask girls what they did to show, every day, that they are responsible for what they say and do.

Have the girls introduce their friends.

Review how to make the Girl Scout sign and how the three fingers represent the three
parts of the Promise.

Practice saying the Girl Scout Promise.

Teach how to greet other Girl Scouts with the Girl Scout handshake (GGGS page 12)

Practice the handshake and being friendly by greeting each other and saying, “My Name

Play, “My Name Is”

Sing “Make New Friends” and either the “Girl Scout Daisy Song” or “I’m a Little Daisy.”

In the Girl Scout Daisy Circle, review rules, assign kapers and talk about being helpful.

Introduce today’s line of the Girl Scout Law: “Today we are going to learn about what it

means to be friendly and helpful.”

Read “Sunny’s Story” and talk about it using the questions in the Girl’s Guide.

Play the "Hula Hoop" game.  Have everyone stand in a line or a circle holding hands.  Give one girl a hula hoop looped over one arm and a second hula hoop to another girl, at the other end of the circle, looped over her arm.  Players must pass the hoop around the circle without letting go of one another's hands.  Play this a few times.

Get in the Daisy Circle and say the first two lines of the Law (Lupe’s and Sunny”s lines).

Congratulate the girls for earning their Sunny, Friendly and Helpful, petal.

In the meantime, they can use the Sunny, Friendly and Helpful, petal sticker and awards
log in their Girl’s Guide..

Remind the girls of kapers and work together to leave the site better than you found it.

Form a Daisy Circle and ask girls to think of three ways they can be helpful at school or
home during the next week. Then pick one thing to do and come prepared to share it at
the next meeting.

Hand out the "Bring A Friend" fun badge to all the girls.

Form a Friendship Circle, sing “Goodbye, Daisies,” and do a friendship squeeze.

Collect nametags and sign-out.

Games, Songs, and Meeting Helps
My Name Is

Girls sit in a circle or a number of small circles, depending upon the size of the group. One girl is asked to tell the group her name. She says, “My name is Kelly.” The girl on her left then says, “Her name is Kelly and my name is Maria.” The next girl then says, “Her name is Kelly, her name is Maria, and my name is Shanna.” This continues until the last girl in the circle tries to name all the girls in the group.  If a girl cannot recall a name, the others in the circle may help her.

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