
Monday, April 20, 2015

Daisy Meeting 7: Considerate and Caring & Courageous and Strong, World Thinking Day

For this meeting we had to combine two of the petals.  We also tied in World Thinking Day.  It was a very busy meeting but I think we did a good job of pulling it off.

We started the meeting together as a group and talked about World Thinking Day.  The theme this year was learning about the need for education for girls around the world.  In order to earn the World Thinking Day badge we decided to have a book drive and donate the books.

For the rest of the meeting we broke up into 2 groups.  One group worked on Considerate and Caring while the other group did Courageous and Strong and then we switched.

Meeting 7: Considerate and Caring & Courageous and Strong, World Thinking Day
Meeting at a Glance
Goal: Girls know how to be considerate and caring & courageous and strong

Toward the Award: Earn the Considerate and Caring, Courageous and Strong petal and World Thinking Day.

o Nametags
o Pen and sign-in/sign-out sheet
o Kaper chart
o Girl Scout Daisy, The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting
o Girl Scout Promise visual
o Paper, crayons, markers, poster board
o Bell or timer
o Supplies for selected flower craft
o Thank you note

Greet, sign-in, and put on nametags
Zinna & Tula coloring sheets

Ask girls what they did to be helpful at school or home since your last meeting.

Gather and greet each other with the Girl Scout handshake

Practice the Girl Scout Promise

Sing “Make New Friends,” the Girl Scout Daisy Song,” or I’m a Little Daisy.”

In the Girl Scout Daisy Circle, review rules, if necessary, and assign kapers.

Introduce today’s line of the Girl Scout Law: “Today we are going to learn about what it
means to be considerate and caring & courageous and strong.”

Read “Zinni’s Story” and talk about it using the questions in the Girl’s Guide.

Come up with different ways you can be considerate and caring.

Explain the practice of giving flowers to others who are sick, feeling sad, or having a rough
day. Make a Daisy Flower Friend to take home and give to someone to show that you care about them.

Daisy Flower Friend
Supplies: Jumbo craft sticks, glue sticks, scissors, crayons, markers, copies of the daisy flower pattern.

Instructions: Print the daisy flower pattern. Color using crayons or markers. Cut around the
daisy pattern following the black line. Finish by gluing the flower pattern on to the jumbo craft  stick and let dry.

Congratulate the girls for earning their Zinni, Considerate and Caring, petal. In the meantime, they can use the Zinni, Considerate and Caring, petal sticker and awards log in their Girl’s Guide.


Have the girls bring a picture and story of a woman (famous or not) who they think is/was courageous and strong.

Read “Tula’s Story” and talk about it using the questions in the Girl’s Guide.

Explain that we are going to make a poster celebrating women who are courageous
and strong.  Have the girls share a story about the woman whose picture they brought.

Have girls glue their picture on the poster board.  Take a moment to admire the art gallery you have created.

Have the two groups come together to share what they have learned and done.

Remind girls of kapers and work together to leave the site better than you found it.

Form a Girl Scout Daisy Circle and remind girls to give their flower to someone to show that
they are considerate and caring.

Form a Friendship Circle, sing, “Goodbye, Daisies,” and do a friendship squeeze.

Collect nametags and sign-out.

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