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Article courtesy; by Patter Cross
Planning Your AlbumDo you have an ‘All About Me' album? How many pictures do you have of yourself? Will your children know your favorite color, your daily routine, what your favorite board games were, etc.? If you do not have an album or have just started one, this article will give you 30 page topics to make that album nice and full!
Before you begin your album, you will want to determine what type of album you are going to do. Is it going to be an ABC album? That would definitely affect the titles and topics you choose. Or is it going to be a "past, present, future" type of album? Or just an album with topics about you? Let's look at some topic ideas.
30 Topics and Titles
- 10 Things about Me
- The Chef in Me (love it or hate it)
- Circle of Friends
- Crafts & Hobbies
- A Day in the Life
- Faith & Me
- Favorites
- Activities
- Clothes
- Games
- Movies
- Music
- Books
Favorite Foods
- Restaurants
- Drinks
- Snacks
- Desserts
- Favorite Job
- Fears
- Growing Up
- Where I was born
- Where I lived
- How many houses I lived in
- Hairstyles through the Years
- High School Years
- Hopes and Dreams
- Housework & Me
- I am Blessed
- I am Grateful
- The Last 10 Years (how I have changed over the years)
- Making My House a Home
- Man of My Dreams
- Mom & Me
- What we do together
- What our similarities are
- What our differences are
- My Emotions
- What makes me happy/sad
- What makes me laugh/cry
- What makes me angry
- What makes me nervous
- People That Inspire Me
- Pieces of Me
- Self Portrait (a personal photo and journaling about the photo)
- Uniquely Me (things that make me unique)
- Vacation Favorites
- My names (maiden, married, nicknames)
- My Purse
- Favorite purse
- What's in it
- My quirks
Make sure you visit the image category, "Book of Me," in the layout gallery. You might find a lot more ideas to get you going. Have fun!