Meeting at a Glance
Goal: Girls learn about the special award – Safety award
Toward the Award: Safety Award, First Aid, Girl Scout Way and Snacks.
See Brownie Supply Schedule
Pre-Meeting (15 min)
-Greet, sign-in, and put on nametags.
-Practice writing down their phone number and address.
-Poison plant coloring sheets
Poison Ivy |
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Poison Oak |
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Poison Sumac |
Snack Time (Snacks, Step #2) (10 min)
-Read Fancy Nancy Poison Ivy Expert while the girls eat. (Mandy or Tara)
(First Aid, Step #5)
Opening (5 min)
- Flag Ceremony
- Brownie ring
- Gather and greet each other with the Girl Scout handshake.
- Have each girl show how they can recite their phone number and address.
- Discuss when it is appropriate to give out your phone number and address and to whom.
Business (10 min)
- Take attendance and collect dues. Go over everyone’s kapers for today, review rules, if necessary.
- Talk about the Skill Building Badge form and the Legacy Badge Make Up Form
- If anyone has a Skill Building Badge or Legacy Badge form they can present here.
- “Today we are going to learn about simple ways on how to stay safe and locate important points on a map.
Activity/Exploration (50 min)
- I printed out maps from Google Maps that were the area in which each girl lived. They then marked their maps with the location of the Police Station, Fire Station and other important points. (Safety Award, Steps #2)
- Our guest Fire Fighter/EMT will discuss how to stay safe at school, how a smoke alarm works, and what natural disasters are common in your area. They will also teach us how to treat minor injuries like bug bites, cuts, sunburn, etc. (Safety Award, Steps #1, #3 and First Aid, Step #2, #4 & #5)
- Talk to the girls about the First Aid kit for the troop. Have them get the items they brought. Have them put the kit together. (First Aid, Step #3)
Clean-up (10 min)
- Remind girls of kapers and work together to leave the site better than you found it
- The Out Scout should be rotating the names on the Kaper Chart
- Remind girls that there will be no snack next meeting and the girls that are on Snack Kapers next meeting will bring supplies for the relay - 4 rolls of toilet paper each.
- Play “Brownie Smile Song” while cleaning up. (Girl Scout Way, Step #1)
Closing (5 min)
- Form a Friendship Circle and ask the girls what they learned about safety.
- Show-and-Tell
- Explain what will happen at the next meeting
- There will be a Troop Outing on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at The Historical Village at Weaver Park in Old Hilliard from 11am-4pm. We will be enjoying the afternoon and stepping back into the 1800s to experience what life was like as we tour the village. We’ll see basket weaving, a blacksmith, canning, live entertainment, food and more. This will help us to complete Step #4 of our Celebrating Community Legacy Badge. Admission is free and the whole family is welcome to attend. If you can’t make it you will need to work with your parents at home to complete Step #4. You will then need to present what you did to the troop at a meeting. (Celebrating Community, Step #4)
- Sing, “Brownie Smile Song,” and do a friendship squeeze. (Girl Scout Way, Step #1)
- Collect nametags and sign-out.
Games, Songs, and Meeting Helps
Brownie Smile Song (Pinterest/YouTube)
I’ve got something in my pocket.
It belongs across my face,
I keep it very close at hand
In a most convenient place.
I’m sure you couldn’t guess it
If you guessed a long, long while.
So I’ll take it out and put it on
It’s a great big Brownie Smile!
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