Pre-Meeting (15 min)
-Greet, sign-in
-Welcome families and show them to seats.
Opening (5 min)
- Flag Ceremony
- Brownie Ring
- Sing “Make New Friends.”
Business (10 min)
- Take attendance and collect dues.
Activity/Exploration (50 min)
- Talk to the girls about how tomorrow is Juliette “Daisy” Low’s birthday. Read “How Girl Scouts Began” (GGGS pg. 10)
- Sing Happy Birthday to Juliette.
Investiture Ceremony
- Gather girls to form a semi-circle facing family members.
- Explain that an Investiture Ceremony is used to welcome a new girl or adult in Girl Scouts and they only go through an investiture once in their lifetime. Girls who are already invested are “rededicated.”
- Talk to the girls about how tomorrow is Juliette “Daisy” Low’s birthday. Read “How Girl Scouts Began” (GGGS pg. 10)
- Say, “You are about to become a Girl Scout Brownie. Together we will explore all the fun and adventure of Girl Scouting.”
- Say, “The Girl Scout Promise is a way Girl Scouts agree to act every day toward one another and other people, and the Girl Scout Law outlines a way to act towards on another and the world.” Say the Promise and the Law together.
- Have the girls sit on the floor. Call each girl up. Kelly gives each girl the Girl Scout membership pin and welcomes them with a Girl Scout handshake. Mandy gives each girl their Lei* and welcome them with a Girl Scout handshake. Tara gives each girl their bag of badges earned and certificate and welcomes them with a Girl Scout handshake. *the girls got a Lei because that is what they chose as their Troop Crest.
- TaeKwonDo on Sun., November 9th from 1pm-2pm for a Bully/Stranger Danger workshop. Wear comfortable clothing (ie. sweat pants or cotton shorts, t-shirt-no tank tops)
- OSU Women’s Basketball game on Sun., Dec. 14, tip off at 2pm. Tickets are $6.50 per person at the group rate.
- Remind parents that “Girl Scouts is unlike any other extra-curricular activity that your daughter’s are participating in. Girl Scouts, at times, is a whole family effort. The leadership team does as much as we possibly can to help the girls learn the values and skills of the Girl Scout Law as well as help them to earn the badges that reinforce those values and skills. However, there are those times when a girl cannot attend a meeting or an outing and it is then that we need the help of the families to assist their Girl Scouts at home if she is interested in earning the badge that her Troop is working on. There will also be times when a project or a badge requires the girls to do some homework. As parents ourselves the leadership team understands that these girls already get a good deal of homework from school, not to mention sports they are involved in, etc. We try to keep Girl Scout homework to a minimum but sometimes it is impossible. Again, this is when we need your help and support. If your daughter is unable to attend a meeting or outing that will help her complete a Legacy Badge or if she is interested in earning a Skill Badge on her own, please do not hesitate to ask me for help. I am more than willing to help by offering ideas and suggestions on ways that you can help her achieve her Girl Scouting goals.
Please keep in mind as well that we will not be pressuring the girls to complete steps that they have missed in order to earn their badge. I remind them every meeting that they have the option to complete them at home and them present what they have done to the Troop in order to finish the step and earn the badge. For example: Grace was unable to attend the Miniature Golf event and so she was unable to complete Step #4 of the Fair Play Badge. We will be completing all 5 steps of this badge as a Troop in December. At that time all the girls that have finished all 5 steps will get their Fair Play badge. If Grace is not interested in earning this badge then she does not need to do anything, however if she wants this badge she will need to complete Step #4 and present to the Troop how she did it before she bridges to a Junior, which is at the end of 3rd Grade. I keep track of every badge and which girls have completed which steps.
Some of you will find small sheets of paper in your daughters award bags that were handed out tonight with information on which badges and steps they have not completed up to this point. I will send this information to whomever it applies to again in December when we break for the holidays, in January when we return and then in May when we break for the Summer. Brownies is a two year program so if they want to earn the badges they have missed they will have until the Bridging Ceremony to compete and present.
There has been a lot more going on this year than there was last year and I want to make sure that the way I have been communicating with you all is working for you. Is everyone good with Facebook being the main form of communication? Is everyone seeing everything that is being posted? Is the way I am letting you know about upcoming events on Facebook okay?
Does anyone have any questions for me?
Again, we want to thank you all for your continued help and support of the Leadership Team and the girls.
- Thank families for attending and let them know that refreshments will be served now. Have bags for them to take things home if they want.
Serve Donuts for Juliette Low’s birthday.
Clean-up (10 min)
- ALL girls should participate! Remind girls of kapers and work together to leave the site better than you found it.
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